PPL Assessment (Math Placement Test)

Math Placement is standard practice for colleges and universities, and is an important part of student success at UA. The purpose of our placement process is to determine, based on your mathematical background and current mathematical ability, which MATH courses are appropriate for you. Past experience shows that the Math Placement Test may be the clearest indicator. For this reason, we encourage all students to take the PPL Placement Assessment; however, if you have recent transfer math credit, you may be able to use a transfer Math course for placement into a UA MATH course. Incoming first year students can qualify for courses through sufficient SAT I MSS or ACT MATH scores. These scores must be recent.

Incoming students should refer to the information in the Math Placement section of Next Steps Center, and access the test through Next Steps Center.  

If you have already taken the PPL Assessment, or have reviewed the PPL information, you can proceed to the PPL Assessement here

About the PPL Assessment

The PPL Assessment is a proctored math placement assessment that places students into all courses at or below the level of Calculus I (Math 122A/B,125).

This is an online assessment, taken on your own computer or laptop, at whatever time is convenient to you. If you do not have access to a computer, limited In Person Testing is available. Please reach out to us at placement@math.arizona.edu to learn more about our availability.


Brief information about the PPL Assessment:

Math Placement and PPL Assessment FAQS

Additional Information

Additional information about the PPL Assessment and procedures is available through the  PPL FAQs .  

After completing the assessment, students can check their scores through Next Steps Center (incoming students) or on your Transfer Credit Report in UAccess Student within 24 business hours of testing. Check the Math Placement Chart to determine which course(s) you are eligible for.