Math Transfer Course Evaluation Request Form

Please fill out the form below as completely and accurately as possible. Any incomplete information will greatly delay the processing of your request.

You are asked to include links or attached copies of ALL MATH or STATS course descriptions, not just for the course or courses you are evaluating. These are often in the catalog, schedule of classes, or department websites. Please locate this before completing this form. The items marked with a * are required.

Personal Information

  • If you are not yet admitted:
    • Use any valid email address for UA Email Address
    • Use your name for the UA NetID
    • Use 00000000 for the UA Student ID.

    • Student Status
      If this is the last course you need to graduate, please select 'Other' above and describe your situation in the text field provided.

Institution Information

  • Enter the transfer institution information below. You must complete a separate form for each academic institution.

    For Math/Stats course evaluations, we need access to ALL Math course descriptions, not just for the course or courses you are evaluating. You can link to this information or provide an attachment.

Transfer Course Information

In the fields below, provide information about courses you've taken at the transfer institution referenced above. Do not include any U of A course information. You can only submit a maximum of 10 courses.

If this course was online, you MUST also submit the course syllabus, exam policy and grading policy. If ALL this information is on the syllabus, then that is the only thing you need to upload. Please confirm this before submitting.

Course 1

Online Course?

Course 2

Online Course?

Course 3

Online Course?

Course 4

Online Course?

Course 5

Online Course?

Course 6

Online Course?

Course 7

Online Course?

Course 8

Online Course?

Course 9

Online Course?

Course 10

Online Course?
Click this button to add an additional course above.

If any your transfer credit have not shown up in UAccess, please attach unofficial grade reports with your request.

Please use this box to ask questions or give us any additional information.

By submitting this form, I certify that all of the information provided in the form is true to the best of my knowledge. Any falsification of information is a violation of the Code of Conduct and will be reported to the Dean of Students.