Accelerated B.A./M.S. or B.S./M.S. in Statistics & Data Science

Quick links:

*While 3.3 is the minimum GPA officially required, a more realistic GPA expectation is 3.7.

For more information on the graduate program contact the Statistics & Data Science Program Coordinator

Program Description:

The Department of Mathematics and the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program (GIDP) in Statistics & Data Science have created a Mathematics/Statistics & Data Science accelerated BA/MS and BS/MS program for undergraduate students interested in obtaining a Master's Degree in Statistics & Data Science as well as a Bachelor's Degree in either Mathematics or Statistics & Data Science. 

Qualified Mathematics department undergraduates will complete the first 12 units of Statistics & Data Science MS core courses by the end of their senior year: 

Fall - STAT 564 (Theory of Probability, 3 units) & STAT 571A (Advanced Statistical Regression Analysis, 3 units)

Spring - STAT 566 (Theory of Statistics, 3 units) & STAT 571B (Design of Experiments, 3 units)

These four courses will prepare a student to pass the qualifying exam following the completion of that spring semester.  In order to receive a MS degree in Statistics & Data Science, a student must pass a Qualfiying Exam at the Master's Degree level.  The exam, given in May and January, has two parts:  theory (covering STAT 564 and 566) and methodology (covering STAT 571A and STAT 571B).  Students would then complete the one remaining STAT core course STAT 688 (Statistical Consulting), 12 units of elective courses, and one advanced statistical course for a total of 18 units during their 5th year to graduate with their MS in Statistics & Data Science.  This amounts to 9 units in the fall and 9 units in the spring.  Please see the program handbook (under Current Graduate Students Resources) for more details.  Contact the Statistics & Data Science GIDP Program Coordinator with any questions - see above.

The undergraduate mathematics major has several emphases which could work with the Accelerated Master's Degree.  For students who wish to pursue doctoral studies in Statistics, the Probability & Statistics emphasis would be the most appropriate.  For students who do not plan to pursue graduate studies in Statistics beyond the accelerated MS degree, the Statistics & Data Science major or the General/Applied emphasis could be selected.
