VIGRE Travel Application

Note: Both Mathematics and Applied Mathematics students should submit their applications to the Mathematics Graduate Office (room 206) in paper form and if possible also electronically. The e-mail address is


Travel applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the academic year. Applications will be evaluated as they are received, with funding decisions typically made within two weeks of the request.


To be eligible for this type of VIGRE support a graduate student must

Exemption from the qualifying exam requirement may be possible in exceptional circumstances.

Travel Proposal

There is no standard form. Instead you must write a brief statement outlining the rationale for your trip (one paragraph should suffice) and estimating your expenses. The amount of your request must be no more than your estimated expenses.

Priority will be given to students presenting a talk or poster at a conference in the US and to students who have not yet received VIGRE travel funds. VIGRE travel support for a conference or summer school at which the student is not presenting a talk or poster, or other travel directly related to your research is possible, but students should not expect such support more than once in their graduate careers.

Funding for international travel will be considered only in exceptional cases.

The VIGRE budget for graduate student travel is quite modest. It is rare that we can cover all travel expenses. Students should seek matching funds, e.g., from the conference or your advisor's grant. Any such matching should be noted.

Proposals should be submitted as far in advance of travel as possible to allow time for evaluation and to obtain favorable prices on airfare and hotel. Two months before the trip would be a good target date.

Assuming your proposal is funded, reimbursement is handled by the Business Office (room 117). They will require original receipts for all expenses.