4.3. Priority registration advising

Math/SDS Majors and MinorsCurrent Continuing StudentsPriority registration advising

Advising for Priority Registration begins once the next semester's schedule is published (in Fall, this is around October 1; in Spring, it is around March 1).  Enrollment opens about a month after the schedule is posted. Please note that once the schedule has been published, it will usually still require some updates.

Appointments:  Due to high demand for advising, appointments during priority registration advising are reserved for math or statistics major business.  Use the Schedule an Advising Appointment link at the top left of this or any page within the Knowledge Base.

Enrollment issues/questions:  Students who have questions about enrolling in a math class may stop by our Academic Office (the counter at room 108 of the Math building) during business hours for assistance.  If you have questions about enrolling in a course that does not have the "MATH" or "DATA" prefix, please contact the offering department.

Drop-ins for math/stat minors and majors:  Math or Stat minors and majors who need only 5-10 minutes for questions may stop by to talk with an advisor during drop-in advising hours.  Availability for drop-ins is posted in the appointment calendar linked above, here: https://www.math.arizona.edu/drop-in-advising, and on paper outside of our advisors' offices (Math building rooms 221 and 217).  If an "Open for Drop-ins" sign is posted, drop-ins are in progress!  Drop-ins are first-come, first-served (no appointments). There may be a wait at times. Drop-ins are being held via Zoom until further notice

Email:  Many questions may be answered by email:  mathcenter@math.arizona.edu 

Knowledge base:  and some are answered in our Knowledge Base:  http://mathcenter.math.arizona.edu/




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