1.4. Financial Aid and Satisfactory Academic Progress

Math/SDS Majors and MinorsWinter Break AdvisingFinancial Aid and Satisfactory Academic Progress


NOTE: SAP appeals must be completed with an academic advisor, and there will be plenty of time to do this in person once the campus resumes its normal activities.

1. You should start the SAP appeal form now, by reading through the information here (https://financialaid.arizona.edu/policies/sap). 

2.  Start writing your personal statement and collecting appropriate documentation. This will facilitate the meeting with your Academic Advisor in January.

3.  Make an appointment with your academic advisor. If Math or SDS is your primary (or only) major, you may set up an appointment here:  https://ua-trellis.force.com/uastudent/s/catcloud/services/calendar/?GroupId=a0g2S00001ECNWA



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