4.1. How can I get help with my MATH or DATA class?
Math/SDS Majors and Minors → Current Continuing Students → How can I get help with my MATH or DATA class?
The university offers free tutoring for your class! See below for details.
ThinkTank: This is an important resource for anyone in lower-division courses. ThinkTank has math tutoring in many different styles, times, and locations. Make sure you are aware of what they have to offer, and take advantage! https://thinktank.arizona.edu/tutoring/math
Math Department Tutoring: The Math Department offers free tutoring services for MATH 129 and above. For details, see https://www.math.arizona.edu/academics/tutoring
Office hours: Every course instructor holds office hours when students can ask questions about coursework or policies. Make a habit of attending these and getting to know your instructors. If you have a time conflict with the posted office hours, your instructor should be able to meet with you at a different time upon request.