13.3. Graduate Programs in the Mathematical Sciences

Math/SDS Majors and MinorsGraduate SchoolGraduate Programs in the Mathematical Sciences

The links below point to pages describing various graduate programs in the country, and where applicable, their admission requirements. This list is by no means comprehensive, and is just intended to inform you of the wide variety of graduate programs available with an undergraduate degree in Mathematics.

For more general information, the American Mathematical Society publishes every year a large (~25 MB) guide to Assistantships and Graduate Fellowships in the Mathematical Sciences, which summarizes “Current Employment Trends in the Mathematical Sciences”, and gives sources of support for graduate students, as well as a description of graduate programs in the mathematical sciences in North America.

Some universities have separate programs in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Biomathematics, Biostatistics, Computational Biology, Mathematics Education, Statistics and Finance. Others have a single graduate program comprising various tracks, but different undergraduate backgrounds are often recommended for different tracks. It is suggested that you familiarize yourself with the various requirements of the graduate programs in which you might be interested, and choose your undergraduate courses accordingly, in consultation with your faculty advisor.  Also see our information about preparing for graduate programs in the mathematical sciences.

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Biomathematics, Biostatistics, and Computational Biology

For statistics, see also the section on Statistics.

Mathematics Education


For biostatistics, see also the section on Biomathematics, Biostatistics, and Computational Biology.


Actuarial Science