VIGRE Southwestern Network


The goal of the UA VIGRE Southwestern Network is to foster a broad exchange of ideas and people (faculty and students) throughout a seven-state region in the southwestern United states. The ultimate aim is to increase the number of students who pursue advanced training in the mathematical sciences and to increase the depth, breadth, and quality of their training. Some of the exchanges we hope will come out of this project include:

The Network will function on an informal basis, with people and institutions participating when and to the extent that it is of interest for them to do so. It is expected that there will be meetings once or twice a year (often in conjunction with other events such as regional AMS or MAA meetings or the AMUC undergraduate research conference). Network faculty and graduate students will be a priori first choice candidates to participate in the Arizona Summer Program and we expect that a large fraction of the undergraduate students participating in this program will also be from schools in the region.

Participating institutions

Institutions expressing an interest in the network include:


Mailing list

Sign up for our mailing list to hear about network activities and discussion.