Math Placement Overview

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UA Foundation Math Requirement and Math Placement

Each major at the UA has a specific foundation MATH course requirement set by the major which generally requires taking at least one Math course, or having credit for a particular UA Math course.   You can view these requirements by major in the catalog Advisement Reports.

In order to register for a MATH course, you must satisfy the course's prerequisite and eligibility criteria.   This can be done through UA Math prerequisites, UA ALEKS PPL test scores, SAT I MSS or ACT MATH scores (first year students only), or approved Math transfer credit.  PPL, SAT I, and ACT scores expire after one year.  Other courses like CHEM 141/151/161, PHYS 102/181, MCB 181L/R, SBS 200, ISTA, 116 and other courses also have similar math placement requirements.   

PPL Assessment (Math Placement Test)

The purpose of our placement process is to determine, based on your mathematical background and current mathematical ability, which MATH courses are appropriate for you. Past experience shows that the Math Placement Test may be the clearest indicator. For this reason, we encourage all students to take the PPL Assessment; however, if you have recent college math credit, you may be able too use a transfer or UA Math course for placement. For more information, see the PPL FAQ's. First year students can place into Math courses through recent SAT or ACT scores. 

SAT I MSS (MATH) or ACT MATH Placement 

Incoming first year students can qualify for a Math course through sufficient SAT I MSS or ACT MATH scores.  Scores must be recent.  First year students should send official SAT or ACT scores to UA as soon as they are admitted. 

Transfer Credits

Students can qualify for a math course or satisfy a foundation math requirement through a course from  a transfer college or university, dual enrollment, or credit by exam from  AP, IB, Cambridge, CLEP , or other exam credits.  

Math 100

Many students need to start with a review course like Math 100 before to help prepare them for a more advanced course like Math 106, 107, 108, or 112. The final exam in Math 100 is a placement test that determines which course the student qualifies to take next.  

Who takes Math 100? Many students start with Math 100, including

More information can be found on the Math 100 course website. 

Need Help with a Math Placement/Registration issue? 

Our online form at Contact the Math Placement Office is the best form of contact for quickest assistance. 

The PPL Assessment (Math Placement test) : Incoming students, see your Next Steps Center for testing instructions Current students, click here for information and instructions. 

Registration assistance:

College Math Credit - If you have college math credit that needs to be evaluated (shows as Math 1tr or Math 3tr), submit an evaluation.

Need more information or to contact us?  Visit the Math Placement Support Portal.