VIGRE Graduate Student Opportunities


This page details aspects of the VIGRE program specific to graduate students both in the Department of Mathematics and the Program in Applied Mathematics. See the main VIGRE page for a general overview of the VIGRE program. Please contact the VIGRE director or an appropriate member of the management team if you have any questions.

Goals of VIGRE support

The overall goal of VIGRE support is to give students opportunities to do mathematics, communicate their results, broaden and deepen their training, and increase their professionalism as mathematical scientists. All requests for VIGRE support should be made with these goals in mind.

Types of VIGRE support

Note that all VIGRE support is restricted to U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents.

Professional Development Activities

VIGRE fellows are expected to complement their mathematical training with professional development activities that enhance their communication, teaching, and mentoring skills. Here are some of the possibilities:

This list is not exhaustive and students with other ideas are encouraged to discuss them with the VIGRE management team.


It is essential that VIGRE-related efforts be documented. VIGRE graduate-student fellows must report on their activities and progress within 30 days of the end of each semester or summer of VIGRE support. (See the fellowship application page for required elements of the report.) Reports will be posted on the department's internal (intranet) web site. Students who fail to submit required reports will be ineligible for any further VIGRE support.