B.A./B.S. in Mathematics 2003

The information and requirements given here apply to the 2003, 2004, and 2005 catalogs. For other catalogs, please consult the archive.

Both the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Mathematics require a core of basic courses followed by additional courses specific to one of six possible options:

Each option involves at least 15 units of 400-level mathematics courses, and each option except Mathematics Education requires the student to complete a minor. Courses in minors must be distinct from those in the major. The official requirements for each option are given in the University Catalog in the form of an Academic Program Requirements Report (APRR). Below we explain the requirements specific to the mathematics major, with links to the APRR for complete requirements. It is important for students to consult with their academic advisor about their choice and order of courses, as well as which optional courses would strengthen their degree program.

The B.A. and B.S. in Mathematics differ in the following ways:

Note for the B.S.: A student may satisfy the Natural Science Requirement and the Application Courses Requirement by completing one of the physics sequences. The University's Tier Two General Education Requirement for Natural Science is satisfied by MATH 215, which is part of the Core Courses (see below).

Core Courses

All six options require the following core courses, which should be completed by the end of the sophomore year.

(*) The pair MATH 129 and MATH 355 may be replaced with MATH 250Aand MATH 250B(Calculus and Differential Equations I and II).

(†) MATH 323 is a writing-emphasis course that is the foundation for the advanced courses taken by any math major. It should be taken as soon as possible and before most of the 400-level courses in the major. Students who do not earn at least a C in MATH 323 should reconsider their choice of major.

Comprehensive Option

This option covers the minimum requirements for admission to most graduate programs in mathematics and applied mathematics. Students selecting this option should consult with a Mathematics Department advisor in choosing additional course work to ensure that they are prepared for the graduate school of their choice. A minor in any subject is required with this option.

Major requirements:


Computer Science Option

minor in computer science is required with this option.

Major requirements:


Economics or Finance Option

This options requires either a minor in economics or a thematic minor emphasizing courses in finance. The minor should be chosen in consultation with an advisor.

Major requirements:


General/Applied Mathematics Option

A minor in any subject is required with this option.

Major requirements:


Probability and Statistics Option

A minor is required with this option. By discussing with an advisor the choice of the minor, the student can greatly enhance his/her career opportunities. For additional information and suggestions, see the Probability and Statistics Webpage maintained by Professor Donald Myers.

Major requirements:


Mathematics Education Option

This option does not require a minor.

Major requirements: